With the support of local and international donors, the aim of the TAMAYOUZ Foundation is to enable young Moroccan women to gain better access to cinema professions, particularly in the production and production sectors. The foundation also aims to offer young female talents the necessary springboard to achieve a level of expertise and visibility on the national and international scene.
This work is part of an omniscient movement of exchanges and collaboration between film professionals in the region and around the world on a fundamental precept which is equal opportunities. We hope that the impact of TAMAYOUZ will be measured quickly by a greater and more productive participation of Moroccan filmmakers in the audiovisual space of our country as well as in international festivals, so that the contemporary stories of our region can meet the public world.
The functioning of the Tamayouz Foundation will be based on two essential principles:
- Diversity of funding sources, guaranteeing its independence.
- Transparency of the process of granting grants and subsidies.
More broadly, TAMAYOUZ wishes to promote sponsorship and long-term investment in the cinema, contributing to the establishment of financing mechanisms, efficient and sustainable.
With the creation of TAMAYOUZ, we are appealing to private sector players, individuals, companies and foundations, to commit to the development of the film sector in Morocco and contribute, first to its flight and then to its anchorage.
The Tamayouz Foundation was created in December 2018 at the initiative of five Moroccan professionals of the Cinema:
“Reach out to future generations of women directors and producers, and deconstruct together in creation, gender stereotypes.”
Writer and Director
“Tamayouz is a field of possibilities, because cinema is a territory where tomorrow is built today.”
“For the sake of cinema, so that the screens enrich the look of women, so that no talent is limited by discrimination. “
Director, Writer and Producer
“I think that intergenerational transmission is necessary and it brings me real joy. “
Producer and Director
“I want to contribute actively to raising awareness of the importance of women in the film industry to enable them to have their place in the Moroccan film landscape.”